I'm Todd
Student & Devoloper


Welcome to my page

Currently, I am a junior at Texas A&M University at College Station. I am majoring in Management Information Systems and plan on minoring in cyber security. In my freetime I like to design, code, fish, and hang with friends.



CryptoCheck is the first app I created and actually submitted to the Google Play Store. Its main use was to display the top 50 most popular cryptocurrencies in a list format. Users could interact with the list by tapping each coin and reading more information about them in the form of an alertdialog box. It was built using flutter and API from Coin Market Cap

CryptoCheck Screenshot

Random Stock

Created with vanilla JS, ChartJS, and a couple different APIs, Random Stock is a website that chooses the next stock or crypto for you to invest in. Randomly! Random Stock is obviously a joke website and should not be considered financial advice.

RandomStock Screenshot

Animated by Chase

This website was created for an up and coming local artist. It was created using vanilla JS and CSS. This site is also my first commission.

Animated by Chase Screenshot


Switchlist.tech is a website I created to provide people with a comprehensive list of every mechanical keyboard switch. The list boasts over 200 different keyboard switches and information about them.

Switchlist Screenshot